In September, our chapter organized a New Member retreat at a cabin in the Harlan county reservoir which is south of Holdrege. During this weekend, we had many events planned for our new members to help them grow and become closer to each other. There were active group activities such as flag football and capture the flag. Our new members also explored nature around the area and hung out by the campfire and made s’mores. We also planned more engaging activities such as a privilege walk, where a set of questions about privilege are asked while our brothers were able to understand various forms of privilege and diversity within their class throughout the activity. They were also split into small groups and worked together to make a skit video on certain topics. Overall, the goal of this weekend was to help the new members grow accompanied to each other and get to know their brothers better through various activities.
Our new members loved this weekend and learned a lot from it. After asking some of our new members their favorite part of the trip, we got a variety of responses. While some loved the flag football and skit videos the most, others focused on how getting to share each other’s life stories and getting to know everyone on a deeper level was most special to them. Some brothers mentioned the whole trip was great because they were getting to know each other in all of the activities. All in all, it was a successful, safe trip and everyone benefited from it!